Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Startup in Silicon Valley—And Where to Do It Instead

His company, which is almost three years old, builds products that simplify marketing for e-commerce companies, and he believes being based in NYC has made both of those ingredients more attainable and led to Bluecore’s success.

Google Joins The App install Ad Trend; Nielsen Lags Behind On Digital

Facebook has paved the way for autoplay videos on a broad swath of media (Twitter, Pinterest, ESPN and CNN, to name a few).


Pinterest: tutti i trend attesi per il 2016

Scopri il Master Online in Social Media Marketing + Social Media Factory (Milano e Roma) di Ninja Academy. Iscriviti al corso. Di tutti i social network, Pinterest è quello che è capace di … Il primo mese del 2016 è passato e già ci si è fatti un …


How Social Media Analytics Improve Social KPIs

Can you really measure social media ROI? You have an excellent team of social media marketers and copywriters. You know they blog and post regularly on channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others.

UM-Flint Theatre & Dance Faculty Member Wins Innovation Award

After projecting the Pinterest board images on the classroom screen, Shelby clicks on each student’s submission for that class and asks them to speak briefly on their choice and how it exemplifies the period.

Sunnyside Chamber Holds First Meeting Of 2016

Though usually a luncheon, the first Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce meeting of the year was different, being a night meeting at Quaint, the bar/restaurant at 46-10 Skillman Ave.


A CMO’s View: Nestlé Waters CMO Aims To Connect Web, Mobile & Brick-&-Mortar

This understanding is enabling us to define the right opportunities to engage consumers with content and the right calls to action by online and offline touch-points.


Here’s where the big boys will be pointing their ad dollars in 2016

Pinterest was also indicated as a new ad platform by 41% of respondents. Of respondents, 36% said they were interested in allocating their ad budgets to Snapchat.

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