A Look at Pinterest’s Summer Pitch Deck To Brands
Pinterest is selling ads for Memorial Day, July Fourth, wedding planning, and home design. “People are designing their lives for all moments on Pinterest, and brands have an opportunity to inspire and connect with people on the platform at those times …

Facebook To Stream MLB Games
That doesn’t mean they’re not working on the other platforms at all: 99% said they’re working on Instagram, 67% on Facebook, 51% on Snapchat, 43% Twitter, 30% YouTube, and 28% Pinterest. Instagram looks set to dominate influencer marketing next year …
Nicklaus Marketing Lists 5 Social Media Innovations That Are Changing the Retail Industry
This feature promotes the search and discovery aspect of Pinterest—taking collecting and building Pin boards to another level of searchability.

3 Tips For A Different Back-To-School Season
May is a great time for technology, dorm organization and dorm décor companies to launch their Back to Campus marketing and engagement.
Scotiabank, NHL Renew Agreement 05/18/2017 – MediaPost
The National Hockey League and Scotiabank have signed a multi-year agreement, continuing a decade-long partnership. Under the new deal, Scotiabank, …

Wayfair Launches Visual Search Feature Aimed At Taking On Pinterest, Amazon
Wayfair is far from the first to embrace the idea that customers might like to use images of real-world products to search for inspiration or find similar items: the rollout of “Search with Photo” is likely aimed at competing with Pinterest, which …

Inside Target’s New Marketing Playbook
An endurance athlete, Rick Gomez has completed numerous marathons and half-Ironman races. He’s even done triathlons. But running the marketing department of Target Corp. might be his toughest challenge yet. At a time when the retail landscape is …

Guntersville teacher finds second career as fashion blogger
Well, more brands are considering the value of “influencer marketing” – using bloggers with loyal followings to move the market through sponsorship.

What’s your social media strategy?
“They need to think about where their audiences are, what they are reading, what they are doing,” says Kenneth Hitchner, public relations and social media director for Creative Marketing Alliance, which is based in Princeton Junction, N.J. “If you are …

Why Digital Marketing is the Future?
Everyone is online – Literally, everyone is online today. Digital marketing doesn’t just encompass the ecommerce apps and websites but also social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and more. The new age digital marketing …
Pinterest is selling ads for Memorial Day, July Fourth, wedding planning, and home design. “People are designing their lives for all moments on Pinterest, and brands have an opportunity to inspire and connect with people on the platform at those times …

Small Businesses Have A Lot to Consider When Choosing a Social Media Platform
Fisher’s company, which creates art installations using nylon string, lights, images and videos, posts about its work on social media and gauges the reaction, in effect, test-marketing the art it sells to companies and organizations. Prospective …

Pinterest Is Like A First Date
97% of searches on Pinterest are unbranded, Francis Larkin. Head of Product Marketing at the popular bookmarking site told MediaPost’s Search Insider Summit recently.
“Some Voodoo Combination”: Plated’s Complex Attribution Stew Recipe
Attributing credit for media buys gets very complex very quickly, Greg Laptevsky, VP, Acquisition Marketing, Plated explained at MediaPost’s recent Search Insider Summit.
Social media can be viewed as a social good
Ami Musa and UNICEF on Pinterest. For many users, Pinterest acts as a sort of wishlist: everyone from do-it-yourselfers to brides-to-be use the platform to share an inventory of material things they believe would make their lives better.

Ssmall businesses need social media focus
“They need to think about where their audiences are, what they are reading, what they are doing,” says Kenneth Hitchner, public relations and social media director for Creative Marketing Alliance, which is based in Princeton Junction, N.J. “If you are …

Pinterest brings its visual discovery tech to advertising
The photo-sharing platform will bring Promoted Pins to the ‘over 250m visual searches a month’ it sees. When a user spots a product they like the look of and runs it through an image search, Pinterest’s machine learning technology identifies the object …

Ssmall businesses need social media focus
“They need to think about where their audiences are, what they are reading, what they are doing,” says Kenneth Hitchner, public relations and social media director for Creative Marketing Alliance, which is based in Princeton Junction, N.J. “If you are …

Online or flatline: Coaxing search results to do your bidding
His first book, “Online or Flatline, The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Digital Marketing,” (Elevate Publishing; $12.99) provides a common-sense view of the digital marketing space for the layman. I met Choat several years ago. As a SCORE member …

Are retailers ready for generation Z?
As consumers, it seems that Gen Z expect a slick retail experience, one that offers a frictionless shift between channels. As they share every aspect of life via Snapchat and Pinterest, they can make fantastic brand ambassadors – but only if the …

Burberry plans bigger ‘marketing and storytelling’ push
An early mover in the digital marketing arena, Burberry is looking at more and more innovative methods to go to the customer.

Brit+Co. is killin’ the DIY game as told by a $15M round of funding
Posted on May 22, 2017. brit. (ENTREPRENEUR) Brit + Co. is a real-life Pinterest board and DIY empire out of San Francisco, CA that just received a huge round of funding.

BERNINA of America Recognized BERNINA Fashion Fund Recipient During the Runway Event at Austin Fashion …
“It’s our pleasure to present Nina Means with a BERNINA 560,” said Amy Sherfinski, Director of Marketing for BERNINA of America.
Social Zen – A Powerful Web-based App For Scheduling And Posting To The Major Networks With 1-Click
The software supports seven different platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest. As a result, user’s marketing messages can be seen in the most popular social networks. 100% fully hands-free automation …
‘Gold from a marketer’s perspective’: Pinterest is quietly gaining a foothold among marketers
Pinterest has long been seen as a laggard behind the giant platforms, but it’s slowly gaining traction with one key constituency: ad buyers.
Where you must allocate your marketing budget
Content bolstered by excellent photography is far more likely to get noticed by visitors and shared on Instagram and Pinterest, both of which rely on image to engage. Good photography can give your website a visual edge of professionalism that stands …

Social Marketing: How to Use Social Media Platforms to Reach Customers
Are you ready to expand your audience and customer base? Want to learn how to leverage social media to benefit your small business?

#HASHOFF Partners With Kinetic Social to Deliver Best in Class Influencer Marketing Capabilities to Top Global Brands
Kinetic is based in New York with offices in Toronto and Chicago and was named one of Ad Age’s Best Places to Work in 2015. We are a Facebook Marketing Partner, an Instagram Partner, a Twitter Official Partner, a Pinterest Marketing Developer Partner, …
Emails beat social media in the battle for consumer engagement
Pinterest and Instagram tie on 18 percent for keeping in touch with brands. Snapchat on five percent and Twitter on three percent bring up the rear.

6 Tips to Using Social Media for Content Marketing
There are plenty of online and offline tools available for you to add text to images. Images with text work great on image sharing platforms like Pinterest. You can also stamp the brand or website name in the viewers’ brain with this image naming …

#HASHOFF Partners With Kinetic Social to Deliver Best in Class Influencer Marketing Capabilities to Top Global Brands
Kinetic is based in New York with offices in Toronto and Chicago and was named one of Ad Age’s Best Places to Work in 2015. We are a Facebook Marketing Partner, an Instagram Partner, a Twitter Official Partner, a Pinterest Marketing Developer Partner, …
Small businesses need focus in social media
“They need to think about where their audiences are, what they are reading, what they are doing,” says Kenneth Hitchner, public relations and social media director for Creative Marketing Alliance, which is based in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. “If …

Study: Email, not Facebook, drives consumer engagement among brands
That’s according to the “2017 Generational Marketing Insights Survey,” from Campaigner, the email marketing brand of j2 Global.

Pinterest is selling ads for Memorial Day, July Fourth, wedding planning, and home design. “People are designing their lives for all moments on Pinterest, and brands have an opportunity to inspire and connect with people on the platform at those times …

How to Drive People to Your Website via Pinterest
Although most of the effort for Pinterest marketing needs to come from the business itself, you can gain assistance from visitors to your website, too.
Burberry rethinks how it markets product launches
… as Burberry looks to communicate innovation through marketing, not just products. For example, Burberry is testing out mobile commerce with WeChat in China and has made early moves onto social platforms including Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat.

7 mistakes your business is making on social media
… get it totally wrong. MT bent the ear of a few marketing experts to find out what they think small businesses should be doing better.

Pinterest Is Introducing Auto-Play Promoted Video in Its Feed and Search Results
… Adidas and Tesco, adding that it will be available to all advertisers in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand “in the coming months” via Ads Manager, Pinterest Marketing Partners and the social network’s account management teams.
Small businesses need to strategize with social media
The company, which creates art installations using nylon string, lights, images, and videos, posts about its work on social media and sees the reaction – in effect test-marketing the art it sells to companies and organizations. Prospective customers …

Nabisco links cookouts, concerts as Lady Antebellum tour sponsor
Nabisco is tying the partnership to its “Remix Your BBQ” integrated marketing campaign, which includes in-store sampling, social media promotions, a Pinterest board and influencer engagement, per the release. The brand is also encouraging snackers to …
Study: Email, not Facebook, drives consumer engagement among …
Despite social media’s growing presence in many consumers’ lives, it is not the ideal platform for brand interaction.

Meet SpokaneEats
Two years later, she has 11,000 followers. She’s also expanded her brand, adding Facebook and Pinterest pages and, just over a year ago, a website.

SpokaneEats helps Spokane foodie community connect through Instagram, blogs, websites
Two years later, she has 11,000 followers. She’s also expanded her brand, adding Facebook and Pinterest pages and, just over a year ago, a website.

How To Create The Perfect Visual Content For Social Media
The mergence of media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, and Snapchat, that are based on visual content, has influenced more brands and companies to jump into the visual content marketing game than ever. Adding a mix of visual content to …

The biggest advantage of Digital Marketing is that it can be initiated by anyone: Dipika Trehan, Health.of.Women Forum
The presence of The H.O.W. Forum would extend to other digital arenas such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. Are you looking forward to expand your business by using online marketing? Of course! I think that’s the way to go about in today’s time …
LinkedIn Marketing: Using content strategy to generate leads
A study by HubSpot found that LinkedIn was responsible for around 80% of all business leads on social media, with rest of the usual suspects (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) only being responsible for 19.7% combined. The question is, what’s the …

Facebook and Google have dominated smartphone screens for the past three years
Measurement firm comScore released its latest round of online and mobile rankings for the US market. Since comScore began reporting on mobile app penetration roughly three years ago, Facebook has been and continues to be the number one app.

More Honesty, Less Snark: How Consumers Want Brands to Act on Social Media
Ayaz Nanji is an independent digital strategist and a co-founder of ICW Content, a marketing agency specializing in content creation for brands and businesses.

Street Fight Daily: SMBs Struggle with Social, Pinterest’s Appeal for Brands Climbs
Perhaps the primary area of concern for small businesses is the lack of a cohesive strategy. Nearly one-half of the 250 respondents to the survey by Netsertive said they don’t have a formal social marketing strategy in place. Retailers Need to Use Tech …

More Honesty, Less Snark: How Consumers Want Brands to Act on Social Media
Ayaz Nanji is an independent digital strategist and a co-founder of ICW Content, a marketing agency specializing in content creation for brands and businesses.