What Is Cost Per Click (CPC)? via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson
CPC (cost per click) is a common term used in paid advertising.
It is also sometimes referred to as “pay-per-click.”
This comprehensive guide will dive into the basics of CPC, why it’s important, a…

I grew up working class. Joining the military helped me reach 3 major financial goals that seemed totally out of reach.
I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1997 as a reservist while attending the State University of New York at Albany. I decided to join the Marine Corps because I was looking for a sense of adventure and…

Here’s how Cape Cod businesses can use social media, online tools
There are a number of ways to grow a small business. Harnessing social media in addition to traditional forms of marketing communication is a 21st-century solution to building brand awareness and att…