Cannes Briefing: TikTok wants its ‘low key’ approach to the festival to cement it as a serious player

It was expected to be a tempered return after a two-year hiatus, given the current state of the world. But the many maskless faces, swanky cabanas and massive tents along the Croisette seemingly prov…

TikTok integra soluciones de creación, gestión y optimización de campañas de Mediaocean
El acuerdo permite a marcas y agencias realizar una autogestión de las campañas digitales en TikTok. Mediaocean, plataforma global de publicidad omnicanal, es el nuevo partner estratégico en el área …

How to Create an Influencer Media Kit in 5 Steps [TEMPLATE] How do you tell if gold is real? Bite it. How do you tell if an influencer is legit? Check out their media kit. These are rules for life.
Having an informative, engaging, and impressive media kit is…

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