Adding $100 to These 7 Stocks Could Be a Genius Move Right Now
With the S&P 500 Index in bear market territory, it can be scary to be an investor these days. But it’s important to maintain a buy-and-hold attitude. In fact, some investors may even view this m…

10 Best Hootsuite Alternatives You Must Know
Hootsuite is considered the epitome of social media management. However, many apps, as well as services, have cropped up since the time Hootsuite started. In this list, we are focusing on these in de…

Experta en marketing asegura que cofundó un gigante de las redes (y reclama su parte)
Christine Martínez asegura que ideó el plan de marketing que impulsó la aplicación de imágenes en sus comienzos.
Pinterest lo niega, y pidió a la Justicia que rechace la demanda.