Werbeverbot für ungesunde Lebensmittel: Ab jetzt nur noch Saure
Das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) will gesunde Ernährung fördern und Übergewicht bei Kindern vermindern. Dazu legte das Ministerium von Cem Özdemir (Grüne) Ende Februar ei…

20 Best Content Marketing Tools via @sejournal, @seocopychick
What’s in your content marketing toolbox?
Today’s consumers are thirsty for great content. But crafting compelling content and pushing it out to the right platforms is often easier said than done.

Is TikTok’s ‘shoppertainment’ sales model pushing Gen Z into debt? Just look at the numbers | Iona Bain
An infinite loop of shoppertainment. That might sound like the premise for a new Black Mirror episode. But its actually marketing blurb from TikTok. As part of its sales pitch to brands, the Chinese-…