How to start an online fashion store, from a Kentucky couple whose e-commerce business earned $65 million brand
Tori Gerbig started selling clothes on eBay in 2011 as a side hustle to pay off student loans while she and her husband, Chris, worked their corporate jobs.
When their son arrived in the fall of 201…

What Is Paid Media: Types & Examples via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson
The term ‘paid media’ is commonly used in the marketing industry.
Some use the term paid media interchangeably with PPC advertising, but oftentimes it relates to a broader advertising scope.
This c…

Les influenceurs en France : profils, réseaux sociaux préférés, partenariats…
Reech vient de publier la 7e édition de son étude dédiée au marketing d’influence. En partenariat avec l’institut de sondage Norstat, 11 011 utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux ont été interrogés durant…