Breaking up the Clubhouse
Plus, Panera wants an iconic sound, and PRX Productions announces a new partnership
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge
This story is part of a group of stories called
Hot Pod is The Verges p…
Aaryah Is Seeking Fall 2022 Social Media & Marketing Intern In New York, NY
AARYAH is seeking talented students who crave learning new skills and aren’t afraid to tackle big projects. This internship is for a candidate who is looking to work with a company from the get-go. I…
¿Se puede vivir sin social media marketing? Lush lo hizo y no se han ido a la bancarrota
A finales de 2019, cuando el mercado estaba aún en medio de la resaca del escándalo Cambridge Analytica y las marcas estaban anunciando que cerraban
cuentas o que reducían su presencia en redes soc…