10 Of The Best Social Media Marketing Strategies For Hotels via @sejournal, @seo_travel
There once was a time when searching for a hotel would begin by browsing the internet, clicking through comparison websites, or maybe even seeking recommendations from print or television adverts.

20 Snapchat Demographics That Matter to Marketers in 2022
As far as social media platforms go, Snapchat is pretty casual. Taking a photo, typing out some text and sending it to a friend can be done inwella snap. But thats social networking. When it comes to…

Marketing Briefing: Debunked ‘TikTok Shop’ report reignites conversations around the future of livestream shopping for brands
This time last week, news of TikTok reportedly peddling back plans for QVC-style live e-commerce initiatives here in the U.S. caused a lot of talk (and plenty of hot takes) throughout the marketing a…